Residential Junk Removal

Old Furniture


Has your cat used your couch as a scratching post, or your new puppy use it as a chew toy? Are the springs in your mattress poking you in the back? Is that old recliner chair stuck in the down position? Is your furniture stuck in a time warp and it's simply time for something new? Whatever your old furniture situation is, we can help! If it's still in good condition, we can donate it to one of our local charitable partners and send you the tax deductible receipt ... talk about a win-win!

Old Appliances


It's a fact that in today's world it often times costs more to repair an older appliance that it would to go and buy a simple model new one. We are proud to say that as a green company, we recycle ALL appliances that we remove to local scrap yards! 

Garage Cleanouts

Photo of a pile of junk inside a garage.

Let's be honest ... how long has it been since you were able to park your car in the garage? Don't worry,  we won't judge! On a more serious note though, heavily cluttered garages are a safety hazard and a haven for pests & rodents. Fortunately for you, garage cleanouts is our specialty. We'll help you sort through what's trash, recyclable, donateable and sweep the floor clean upon completion.

E waste junk removal

Photo of two old TV sets.

Gone are the days of the old console televisions that would last 20-30 years before finally dying out. Today's technology is moving at the speed of light and it seems like your lucky if a flat screen TV can last more than 4 years! Along with all this, you have cell phone manufacturers coming out with new and improved next generation phones every 3 months! Luckily, as a green company, we are proud to say that we recycle ALL e waste that we remove. If it's still usable, we can donate it to one of our local charity partners too. We make e waste junk removal easy!

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